What is print ready artwork?
Print-Ready is a term used to describe a file that has all the specifications necessary to produce high-resolution printed output, without requiring any additional alteration or intervention.
In other words, we at Crafted Tees can use the file “as submitted” to successfully create the desired print materials.
Common factors that prevent a layout file from being Print-Ready include…
a) Document sized improperly.
b) Colors set to RGB instead of CMYK.
c) Spot colors not properly defined.
d) Not allowing ample margins (putting information or borders closer than 1/4” from any trimmed edge).
e) Resolution not high enough (should be minimum 300 dpi at 100% size).
f) Missing fonts or images.
g) Poor contrast between text and background.
h) Spelling and grammar errors.
The type of file you submit is also an important factor in determining whether we can successfully print your image/art. For example, high-resolution Adobe PDF files are universally accepted (and preferred) by commercial printers.
Layout files created with other Adobe products – such as InDesign, Illustrator or PhotoShop – also have widespread acceptance, as do QuarkXpress files. EPS and TIF files are also usually good formats for commercial printing.
Source: Formax Printing